2025 applications are now open – book a free consultation today to get yours started! If you are applying for an undergraduate degree, please add our buzzword “UKApplication17” to your UCAS application; instructions can be found here.
MSc Sustainability Transitions is one of the programmes approved by the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) who offers funding opportunities for students interested in the sustainability of Scottish aquaculture.
MSc Sustainability Transitions is one of the programmes approved by the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) who offer funding opportunities for students interested in the sustainability of Scottish aquaculture.
SAIC scholarships cover full tuition fees and are available to those students who:
Meet SFC (Scottish Funding Council) Scottish domicile requirements (i.e. who have been living in Scotland for the last three years for reasons other than education), and
Wish to dedicate their final research projects to an issue relevant to Scottish aquaculture (subject to SAIC’s approval).
MSc Sustainability Transitions can accept up to three students funded by SAIC every year.
We will be in touch within 24 hours to arrange your initial consultation at your nearest SI-UK office. If you are unable to visit us in person, consultations can also be arranged over Skype.